17 March 2022

Primary Schools in West Northants are being invited to take part in interactive online workshops on the subject of e-safety following funding from West Northamptonshire Council.
The workshops will take place throughout June and July 2022, and will be delivered by local theatre group Cherwell Theatre Company to Year 5 and Year 6 students.
Students will take part in activities and watch ‘Do You Accept’, a film created with and for young people exploring cyberbullying and e-safety through an engaging fantasy story.
The film was produced by Cherwell Theatre Company in partnership with Arts council England, Thames Valley Police, Oxfordshire Community Foundation and Cherwell District Council and has now been seen by over 2,000 children.
The company will deliver webinars and technical support to teachers before the virtual workshops and provide further activities including a quiz and resource pack which can be completed following the sessions.
West Northamptonshire Council Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, Cllr Fiona Baker, said: “I am delighted that students in West Northants will benefit from these workshops and learn about all aspects of internet safety.
“Being online plays a huge part in many children and young people’s lives, particularly over the last two years through the pandemic, so it is vital they know how to keep themselves and others safe.
“Whether you are a young person, parent, carer, school or organisation, we can all take positive actions to help make the internet a safer place.”
Cherwell Theatre Company Artistic Director, Tristan Jackson-Pate, said: “We’re grateful to West Northants Council for supporting this vital work.
“We estimate over 1,000 local children will benefit from the project, taking part in practical drama workshops led by the film’s actors.
“We aim to help children express their feelings about all aspects of life online and start positive conversations amongst their peers and wider community.”