09 January 2025

West Northamptonshire Council’s Deputy Chief Executive and People Services Executive Director Stuart Lackenby has announced he will be leaving this spring for a new role at Birmingham City Council.
Stuart, who has been at WNC from its very beginning as a new unitary council four years ago, will leave in April to take up the post of Director for Adult Social Care and Health at Birmingham, the UK’s largest local authority.
During his time at West Northamptonshire, he has been an integral part of the Council’s Executive Leadership Team, supporting the unitary’s creation and its covid response, overseeing the continued journey of improvement for children’s services and SEND as well as leading on key transformations and plans including the Live your Best Life health and wellbeing strategy, anti-poverty plan and establishing the new Local Area Partnerships.
“West Northamptonshire is a fantastic place with a bright future and I’m so proud to have served its communities and played my part in establishing their new council and the journey to improve outcomes for our residents, particularly those most vulnerable.Stuart Lackenby“My time at WNC has been highly rewarding and I have relished both the opportunities and challenges it has brought for me. I hope to build on this great experience with my move to Birmingham that offers the next exciting new opportunity for me at a larger local authority that’s closer to my home and family life.”
“Stuart will be missed by us all, but his new role is a new challenge in the biggest council in the UK and I am sure his experience and skills will be a real asset to Birmingham.Anna Earnshaw, Chief executive of West Northamptonshire Council“We are proud that we have the calibre of staff that attracts such interest from other councils, and we will shortly launch our campaign for Stuart's replacement with a strong focus on our priorities and plans.”
“We will be very sad to see Stuart go, he has been a key member of our Leadership Team from Day One of our Council and has made a fantastic contribution to improving outcomes for all our residents.Councillor Adam Brown, Leader of West Northamptonshire Council“I would like to thank Stuart for all his hard work at WNC and I have no doubt we will continue to deliver on the strong legacy that Stuart will leave behind.”
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