13 March 2024

Smokers in West Northamptonshire are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 13 March with the call to ‘quit smoking and start saving’.
In West Northamptonshire, around 12 per cent of adults smoke (13 per cent average in England), having a significant impact on their health as well as their wealth. Lisa, from Northampton contacted the Stop Smoking Service and has successfully completed the stop smoking programme.
“I have successfully completed this whole program and feel confident about my future as a non-smoker. When you are truly ready to stop, when you've run out of excuses as to why you are still smoking call Niall. He checks in with you every two weeks you can have a "quick catch up" or a long conversation, he lets you lead in what support works best for you. You can still have your "5 minutes peace", you can still take yourself outside, you just don't have to smoke. You have programmed yourself into a routine and you can change that. It's just wherever you are willing to let go of the excuses.”Lisa from Northampton
Stopping smoking not only supports a healthier you, but also a wealthier you. On average smokers spend £47 a week on tobacco, that’s nearly £2,500 a year to spend on other things once you quit. With smoking seeing an instant impact on their funds, they can also expect to see the difference in their health, in as little as 20 minutes!
- After 20 mins: Your pulse will already return to normal
- After 8 hours: Your oxygen levels will start to recover and the harmful carbon monoxide in your body has halved
- After 48 hours: All carbon monoxide is flushed out - your lungs are clearing out mucus and your senses of taste and smell are improving
- After 72 hours: Breathing feels easier and best of all you’re feeling more energetic
- After 2 to 12 weeks: Your blood is pumping to your heart and muscles better thanks to improved circulation
- After 3 to 9 months: Your lungs are working 10 per cent better so less coughing and wheezing
- After 1 year: Your risk of a heart attack has halved compared to a smoker.
“It is never too late to quit smoking and take steps to help improve your health and wellbeing. Our Stop Smoking Service is on hand to help offer you free support to help you do this and will provide helpful advice with your quitting journey, as well as options on which support you would prefer to access.”Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health at West Northants Council
It is never too late to quit. To get in touch with the Stop Smoking Service at West Northamptonshire Council please visit www.westnorthants.gov.uk/stopsmoking or call 0300 126 5700 (option 1) – people can contact the service directly without a referral from a health professional.
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